Dr. Xiaofeng Xu is awarded a GREW fellowship and will work with a group of colleagues to develop grantsmanship.



Setting aside time to start developing a strategic plan for funding can help grow a successful and sustainable academic career.  The grant-writing process is just one step in a self-assessment process necessary to prepare for a long-term successful research career.  The Grants and Research Enterprise Writing Fellowship will assist in both the self-assessment components of preparing for a research career, as well as more concrete, practical exercises and cohort building that can help identify and build relationships with potential mentors and collaborators.  The GREW 2015 Fellowship will make finding and competing for funding less overwhelming and help you use your time more efficiently.  In fact, many of the things you will accomplish will support your other duties as a faculty member at SDSU.
Selected Fellows will receive up to $3,000 in compensation, and an opportunity to travel to Washington DC and discuss their research agenda with agency program officers facilitated by SDSU Research Foundation’s Washington representatives.
In light of the university’s recently completed strategic plan, the GREW Institute will consider applications that directly or indirectly support the institutional goals outlined in the plan. “Building on Excellence” focused on Initiative 1 of Research and Creative Endeavors: Foster(ing) the Development and Growth of Excellence in Research and Creative Endeavors by invest(ing) funds for tenured and tenure-track faculty to advance existing and future areas of scholarly excellence.